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bxCAN time-triggered communication mode not supported

The errata sheet of the STM32F042 states:The time-triggered communication mode described in the reference manual is not supported. As a result, timestamp values are not available. The TTCM bit of the CAN_MCR register must be kept cleared (time-trigge...

XPach.1 by Associate
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Crystals for the RTC and processor - STM32L496

I would like to know what load capacitance to have the Processor and RTC crystalsmade by the vendor. Typically the crystals are precision ground with a load capacitance such that when operating in the circuit the frequency will be very close to what...

TSmit.8 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32L062 hard fault with timer enabled

I am using Segger Embedded Studio 6.32 to develop a project for the STM32L062K8U6. While there are some start-up files created by the SES project wizard, I am not using any pre-built libraries and developing all my own code based on information from...

Eqqman by Associate III
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Switch comparator input

Hello, I made a an esc using an arduino a year ago and I wanted to try it with my stm32L476RG, for some reason my code doesn't seem to work, and I think that I'm doing the switching of the comparator input minus wrong, can you tell me if this is the ...

Vertinhol by Associate III
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Resolved! Hello i have a problem with FLASH SR REG setting up flags when i try to write in flash, im using stm32g4 wit 521kbs flash and dual banks plss help.

Here is my code : ignore the led toggles , the screenshot of the sr reg is below and highlited bits. Im guessing it has something to to with the arhitecture of the cpu.Kind regards.void flash_page_write(void){ uint32_t addrr_start=0x08001000; uint3...

skaur.1 by Associate II
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Question of dac output frequency

Hi,Recently I used STM32F407 to develop firmvare code of external DAC device.In order to obtain a sinewave output from dac, I choose TIM2 to trigger interrupt.TIM2_period is configured as 167, and TIM2_prescaler is configured as 0. The sysclk is 168M...

JGu.2 by Associate
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Resolved! Comparator trigger mode register

Hello I have a Nucleo board L476RG and I would like to change the trigger mode of the comparator on the fly, the problem is that I cannot find the register responsible of this in the datasheet.I guess it's not related to the comparator but to the EXT...

Vertinhol by Associate III
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