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Problem Sending CAN Message

Posted on April 15, 2018 at 23:27I am following the example code found here to send and receive CAN messages:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Examples\CAN\CAN_Networking\SrcI can happily receive CAN messages but when I call the followi...

Hi, We are using STM32F427IIH7 for one of our project and it is out of stock now. we found an alternate part(STM32F765IIK6) for that but the new part have some additional features like VDDSDMMC and VDDUSB . Also found some diff on PDDR_ON connection.

Hi,We are using STM32F427IIH7 for one of our project and it is out of stock now. we found an alternate part(STM32F765IIK6) for that but the new part have some additional features like VDDSDMMC and VDDUSB . Also found some diff on PDDR_ON connection. ...

APm.1 by Associate
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input configured pin to detect frequency.

I am using STM32F103C8, in which I want to use pins which are configured as digital input to detect the square wave frequency or the frequency at which the pin is reading high and low.Is it possible without Input capture direct mode?

KGaik.1 by Associate II
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HAL_GetTick() always return 0 when i use UART

Hi, I work with STM32L562VET6Q, and when i try to comunicate with uart HAL_GetTick() fuction doesn't work because always return 0, but if i don't use uart work perfectly, What could it be due to? I try to change prioritys in NVIC interrput table but ...

slope.1 by Associate
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Can STM32F105 do 13-bit SPI with 13 clocks?

I need to interface with a Viniculum II from FTDI. It requires 13 bits over exactly 13 clocks, per this app note. We're using the STM32F105 with HAL libraries from STM32CubeMX. I don't see the cube able to configure to 13 clocks. Will the STM32F1...

HForr.1 by Associate II
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