i am using nucleo board stm32f401re today i interfaced obstacle avoidance sensor with this nucleo board after few seconds the board not responding it showing as not detected i tried to to update the firmware the folder contains fail text file with SW...
Hello! I'm trying to download software X-CUBE-PARAL-COM, but there is note "Not available for download" on the website. Could you help me?
Hello,I'm trying to connect my nucleo stm32L496zg with an external ASD (ADS1259) through SPI interface using DMA. So I connected MISO MOSI SCK and a pin used as interrupt for the End of conversion.If I use SPI1 no problem, I can see continuously the ...
For a project, I could grab a few STM32L4R5ZI-P µC and am not sure what to connect to the 2 SMPS VDD12 pins when I do not want to provide external voltage but use the integrated LDO.The datasheet is not quite clear on this scenario.I have no augmente...
Hello all,In a custom board I wrote a very simple code using stm32cube.When I start debugging it shows this message"Break at address "0x1fff1d66" with no debug information available, or outside of program code."After that I see the cursor in main at ...
I want to add some new annotations to this stm32f429xx.h to help me understand, but VSCode tells me that I cannot "write to files", so what should I do to make vscode write successfully?
I am using STM32H7 General Purpose Timers TIM2, TIM3, TIM4, TIM5 and their respective external trigger ETR using combined RESET and TRIGGER modes and I am configuring and starting Channel4 for each to generate One-Pulse output . All the configuration...
I don't fully understand one thing with STM32L552 which has no SMPS: Does decreasing the VDD from 3.3V to say 1.8V reduce it's power consumption?All the measurements in datasheet and in AN5213 are done for operation ranges and in SMPS modes I see tha...