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STM32L152VDT6 extreme current draw on power-up

I have a design in which I am using an STM32L152VDT6 processor. The first prototype boards arrived, and one of the first things I noticed was that there was a resistance of 120 ohms between VCC and GND. I knew something had to be wrong at that point....

Bolan69 by Associate II
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Resolved! Setting Encoder functionality on STM32F407VE vs STM32F103C8

Setting the encoder functionality on STM32F103C8 is straight forward, just set the registers that's due. But on STM32F407VE it seems more tricky: using PA6 and PA7 on TIM3, if you follow what is said in the RM0090, page 616, you're not ready to go:Fu...

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Echo by Associate II
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