hello everyone,i work on stm32g071 to build a application , but i configure the PA9 for uart TX and the PA8 for the normal input that pull up by 3.3v. When start send data by the PA9 , PA8 is disturbed。But PA9 is not configured, the PA8 level is norm...
Hi,I am trying to write some datato external eeprom with I2C_EEPROM_WritePage function, but it doesn't write everytime. Sometimes it can write and sometimes it can't. I am using standart peripheral I2C library and using the write page function below....
Hi,I am trying to launch a simulink model for the STM32429I-EVAL1 board following this example:"using-simulink-with-stm32-discovery-and-stm32f4xx-based-boards"The code compiles and downloads successfully in the board but doesn't start running.I am no...
void TIM14_init(void){ RCC->APBENR2|=(1<<15); TIM14->PSC= 31; TIM14->SR=0; TIM14->CNT=0; TIM14->EGR|=(1<<0); } void TIM14_delay_us (int delay_us){ TIM14->ARR = delay_us; TIM14->CR1|= (1<<0); // counter enabled while (!((TIM14->SR)&1)); // wai...
Hello everybody,I'm working on an STM32L476RG. For the moment, I'm using a nucleo-476RG board.I'm trying to write and read some data in the flash memory.I'm trying to write at the address : 0x080FF800 (first address of last page of the memory).I do t...
Hello,I'm using STM32F303RB and 72MHz Clock is being used by using PLLI have a few questionsQ1) What is the maximum operating speed of GPIO output? (8MHz or 72Mhz) Q2) Is there PORT with bit banding?Thank for all your supoort. Best regrads. JH moon.
If no SDRAM (disabled), enter standby mode always work as expected.When SDRAM enabled, sometime enter standby mode, draw 3mA more than usual.This is code to put SDRAM to self refresh mode before enter standby:````sdramState.command.CommandMode = FMC_...
Hi,I have STM32H743Z and ADC converter AD7771. I want to use SAI interface for reading data from it. I have configured AD7771, that results form conversions are sent over DOUT_0 line. In oscilloscope I can see line DRDY (falling edge), line DOUT0 sen...
Its the same strings showing on api text box. It does not change. But when I debug it I can see it changing and display on api (application interface) text box. Any idea about this?