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Resolved! TCXO HSE to NUCLEO f446re

I need a accurate time source for time synchronisation between boards and timestamping of sensor data so want to add a accurate HSE. I'm currently considering a 7N-26.000MBP-T 26MHz TCXO connected to OSC_IN. I would have a 10nf bypass capacitor and d...

Pull down PA1

hi thereI have a project with STM32f103c8t6 blue pill. here I connect a 12pF capacitor to pin PA2 and PA1. PA2 is GPIO_OUTPUT and PA1 is ADC.first: PA2 is set HIGH to charge the capacitor and then goes LOW right afterwards. here is my while(1) codetu...

Ala by Senior
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[H723] STM32H743I-EVAL CAN communication bus monitor mode

I'm trying bus monitor mode because I want to monitor CAN communication (it doesn't return ACK itself).environment  STM32H743I-EVAL and self-made board  STM32CubeMX 6.3.0  Keil uVision5Source excerpt  hfdcan-> Init.FrameFormat = FDCAN_FRAME_CLASSIC; ...

june by Associate III
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How can I stop PWM signal?

I'm generating a PWM signal inside a loop, but I can't stop it. What would be the reason? I need both to generate PWM and channels. HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim3, TIM_CHANNEL_1);HAL_TIM_PWM_Stop(&htim3, TIM_CHANNEL_1);HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim14, TIM_CHANNE...

buccno by Associate II
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BLE Beacon example in BlueNRG-2 does not work?

I downloaded the BLE Beacon / Relase example from BlueNRG-1_2 DK 3.2.2 into eval board STEVAL-IDB008V1M by BlueNRG-2 Navigator.I do not see this BlueNRG BT device in laptop although a serial console on VCP shows that all functions passed with success...

idolezal by Associate II
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Are there HAL functions to generate DMAMUX events?

I'm programming an STM32L552, and I've used HAL functions to configure DMAMUX synchronization. There's a field that enables DMAMUX events, but I haven't found any functions that generate DMAMUX events.According to the documentation, "The DMAMUX may a...

mattscar by Associate II
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