2023-02-27 10:54 AM
using the ref code : https://github.com/ARoozitalab/ELM327-OBDII-STM32 , Succesfully compiled & flashes to Stm32f103RC using keil ,
Could someone help to debug this code, As i checked, in blu.c file, In BLE_recieve, there is usart_recieve function, then how it'll receive data from USART.
could anyone help me to debug , please check code of github & my minor updated code to fit it for 256kb flash chip STM32f103rc is as fellow :
2023-02-27 11:14 AM
Just see, code uses Usart Interuppt to keep checking usart data, but Still, i can't get reponse OK of ATZ command as comoared in BL_Task in Line no. 154 of Main.c, & Line no- 171 , Should give reponse Ok, when i'm sendng ATZ in blutooth terminal.