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Could someone please help me to convert My tested arduino code on STM32, now using HAL apis to drive same code :#include <Wire.h>int16_t X, Y, Z = 0;const uint8_t STK8321 = 0x0F;const uint8_t startRegister = 0x02;void printAcceleration() { byte accel...
char test[10]="beforeAT\n"; char ATcommand[100]; uint8_t ATisOK = 0; .......................................................... (Other required HAL initiallisation code etc,. i couldn't add due to limit in posting on ST forum.)   int main () {   whi...
using the ref code : , Succesfully compiled & flashes to Stm32f103RC using keil , Could someone help to debug this code, As i checked, in blu.c file, In BLE_recieve, there is usart_recieve function, ...
Pls suggest us possible controller for our below requirement : My Controller ..expectation : CANTwo-uart Signed bootSslCypher - like i read in esp32 documentation, is it just software thing, can we use it for all STM controllers ? Secure boot -  a...