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Resolved! Uneven/increasing/decreasing elapsed time by stm32 timer

Hello everyone,I am working with the board STM32F446RE with SX1261 on mbed os.SITUATION: I want to measure the time difference between the send moment and the receive moment of a packet (transmitted by LoRa). Basically, when I send packet A (send tim...

HNguy.25 by Associate III
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Hardfault exception on Cortex M0

The hardfault exception often occurs during system operation.​The R14(LR) is 0xFFFFFFF9 in the exception handler(bit2 = 0).So the main stack(MSP) is used, and that value is 0x20003778 like the follwing picture.The following picture is the memory valu...

0693W00000WJqZ9QAL.png 0693W00000WJqbKQAT.png
Kim.Andy by Associate III
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Reading Vcc at ADC

Hello I need to read the voltage where I connected ADC to the voltage divider. I have a code of ATmega where I need it to convert to HAL code. Can you please suggest me how?here's the code:void readVcc(byte ATR[]) {    ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC); // Convert...

RWagh.2 by Associate II
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OLED pixels (H & W) Issue

Hi,I am using STM32F303CBT6 MCU and WEO004864AWPP3N00000 OLED.Problem :Imagine, the black color shape is an actual OLED display, If I am showing something in the display. It is shown in the red color shapes. Once I scroll the display, only I can see ...


Resolved! STM32H743, ADC_CAL flag is not cleared

Hello.I try to use ADC with STM32H743II. The problem is that the calibration flag is not reset.//ADC1 RCC->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_ADC12EN;   //Exit DEEP Sleep ADC1->CR = 0; while(ADC1->CR != 0) { ADC1->CR = 0; };   //Enable LDO ADC1->CR = ADC_CR_A...