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I have an .elf file and a .mpa file both in the same directory, Debug-->project.elf and Debug--> and the build analyzer is not showing any information. Any ideas on a possible solution to resolve this? SRM32 CubeIDE Version: 1.12.0
The device I am using is the STM32G0B1RETx, which has a USB feature. The system is wired up to allow access to the USB interface and is viable via /dev/tty.usbmodem123 on a PC. I have a design that requires the USB interface to be configured for...
Setup: I am designing on the Nucleo-G0B1REGoal: DFU via USB FW updatesAlthough the Nucleo Expansion provides a USB ST-Link interface I do not want to utilize this interface as I want to go directly to the MCU to emulate our board.For code uploads an...
I would like to program the Nucleo board via the SWD interface or via ST Morpho connections via a ST-Link V2 (pod) programmer, is this possible? I am trying to emulate the programming that will occur in our factory without the use of the USB ST-LI...
If so, I seem to be missing how to set boot0 (I think) to have STM32CubeProgrammer v2.11.0 recognize the part on the dev board, “No STM32 device in DFU mode connected�? although I can use CubeIDE to program the development board. Just looking for a ...