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Forum Posts

How to config FT231XS for STML451 on my board

I have a FT231XS on my board and a STML451. I would like to communicate over Uart to STM. So i need the FT231XS as USB to UART converter. My software works with NUCLEOL425RE, so when i send some strings over a Serial Port i can receive it immediately...

SMilo.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! 8bit in struct is allocated 32bit in memory

Hello,I am a newbie in struct.I have a struct declaration below.typedef struct __serial_data { uint8_t frameStart; uint32_t data; } serial_data;   serial_data mydata[25];but frameStart is allocated 32bit in memory and this causes trouble when sendi...

0693W00000WJH75QAH.png 0693W00000WJH7FQAX.png 0693W00000WJH7ZQAX.png

Call HAL_ADC_GetValue at any time.

I am using the ADC on an STM32 microcontroller.The ADC is operated in ContinuousConvMode.Can I start it with HAL_ADC_Start and query it at any time with HAL_ADC_GetValue?Or may HAL_ADC_GetValue only be used if it is ensured that the ADC is not curren...

mfrank9 by Associate III
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Code won't run without pressing reset button

My code runs without issue when the STM Nucleo is connected to the laptop, but if I try to run it without connection to PC, I have to press the reset button before the code will run.I am using STM32CubeIDE and cannot find a solution relevant to that ...

IPrin.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! No DAC output

It seems so easy, but I get no signal to the pin PA4. I use STM32f103VCT, any Idea ?int main(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all periphera...

jtozz.1 by Associate II
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Support SPMI or I3C

HiI'm looking for STM32 board to support SPMI protocol or I3C.Is there any board that supports such a function?Thanks.

TKim.4 by Associate II
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Resolved! Dropouts in ADC capture on STM32H743

If I connect a constant rising signal at the ADC input, I observe significant fluctuations at certain ADC values. These fluctuations always appear at the same ADC values. The affected values have the following format XX500, e.g. 18500, 19500, 20500 e...

ANovi.7 by Associate II
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