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Resolved! Using SWD pins as GPIO

Hi,at the moment on the STM32U5G9 we have the SWD pins (SWDIO and SWCLK) set to DEBUG, but we would like to also use them as GPIO after programming. How do we switch them to GPIO at runtime? Thank you 

Ricko by Senior III
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Resolved! Unable to program my GPIO image on STM32H750B-DK

Hi ,I am not sure but my development board STM32H750B-DK may have some issues and I need some help to find what it may be .  As per the readme.txt (there is very less literature that I could find on this board) , I could dump the ext_mem boot bin int...

nsingh by Associate II
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I can't get spi communication.

Hello.I tried to use an imu that was previously working using the spi2 port of the stm32f4 series with the spi4 port of the stm32h7 series, but I cannot communicate with it. (imu is using icm42688p.)Is it possible that I have made a mistake in my set...

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Resolved! HAL_ADC_Start_DMA caused main loop to become blocked?

Hi, I am configuring the ADC in single-channel continuous conversion mode using DMA. However, once I call HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc, &AD_RES, 1), the main loop stops executing, and the HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback() function is not triggered.I noticed that...

chai2145 by Associate III
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RTCv2 coarse calibration remarks

While the Coarse calibration in RTCv2 is obsolete, in 'L1 and 'F2 it's the only method (and I know 'L1 is NRND, but it's still around and will be for years to come, if ST sticks to its commitment), and as long as it's mentioned in 'F4 it should be pr...

STM32 ADC and DMA with LL libraries

Hello everyone, I'm trying to sample some signals inside a timer ISR. I use all three ADC units of the mC (multiple channels in the first unit and 1 channel in each of the other two units) and I use software triggering and DMA transfer.This operation...