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I am using an STM32G473MEY3 MCU. I am looking in the reference manual in the FLASH section, but I am not sure if this is a cateogry 2, cateogry 3, or category 4 device. I am thinking category 3. Any ideas?
I am trying to use the 16 MHz HSI as the clock source for I2C. When I set up the I2C_TIMINGR bits for 100kbps I2C, everything works fine. When I try to set up for 400kbps, it still works, but the timing is not 400kbps. Does the accuracy of the HSI de...
I am having trouble configuring my TIM6 to toggle a GPIO pin every 1 usec. I am using the HSI at 16MHz as the source for AHB bus clocks, which TIM6 is on. The following is my System Clock configuration:void SystemClock_Config(void){LL_FLASH_SetLatenc...
I am trying to program a chip using an STLINK V2. I am using only SWDIO, SWCLK, and ground, and I am powering the chip with 3.3 V. When I try to connect using STM32CubeProgrammer, it does not connect. Am I missing something?
I am looking at the definition ST gives for each of the Xfer options, but so far none of them really are making sense to me. First off, what is Sequential usage vs non-sequential usage and how does this apply for the following:I2C_FIRST_AND_LAST_FRAM...
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