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Forum Posts

STM32F405/407/415/417 DBGMCU_IDCODE.REV_ID

Can please anybody who has any of the above mcu, post here content of DBGMCU_IDCODE.REV_ID together with the revision number/letter marked on the package?I suspect that table in RM0090 is not entirely correct. Rev.Y is historically older than Rev.2 a...

Push Button with EEPROM via I2C and LCD

I am a beginner in STM 32 and working on a Temperature controller where I have 4 Input push buttons to change the set parameter and store in EEPROM via I2c, pls help to resolve the issue where I am stuck, if you can guide me on free/paid basis, will ...

VSing.4 by Associate
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Reset pin goes down every 400ms for 50us

Hi,we have problem with our custom designed board. We are using STM32L011F4P6 MCUs and some of them behaves very strange. After reset, every 400ms for 50us, reset pin (which is internally pulled up), goes down. We don't known what causes that behavio...

msemegen by Associate II
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