Hello everyone,I wish to generate Pulses after a certain delay. I already have generated two Asymmetric PWM waveforms which are phase shifted. Now I wish to trigger another timer in One Pulse Mode. How can I achieve this?I am not able to figure out h...
We use, STM32F407VGT6 27B783 VQPHL 7B 637chip in our control module.But in our last batch we got the STM controller with following part numberSTM32F407VGT6 Y7B378 VGPHL 7B 042 and yes, it is not working as well. so, any little idea on this pls help.
Hi,I want use STM32L010F4 - BOOT0 pin like as GPIO pin. I can configure it helping CUBEMX.But I do not know that MCU starting which boot state? And how can configure it? What is the default settings?Thanks for reply.Best Regards.
Hello all,I have a couple questions please.1- Whish clock is running RTC_ ALRMASSR?2- If I want to get 125 mS alarm what value should I load into RTC_ ALRMASSR?Thanks,Ali.
Hello.I am running STM32L412 microcontroller in low power GSM design. All works great, but I would also want to add watchdog just in case.I am in STOP2 mode most of the time, and I am waiting for interrupts from GSM module or MEMS IRQI configured IW...
Question: Interface two seven-segment LED displays to Port C of STM32F4 MCU that mustincrement and show the rolling of two digits from 00 onwards, to a max of 99, when aswitch SW1 (PB0) is pressed. And must decrement when the user is pressing SW2(PB1...
Hi, I have a doubt about interrupt priority.Let's say we have two ISRs for two interrupts: interrupt A and interrupt B, where A has a higher priority than B.If the ISR of B is running and an interrupt A arrives, then the ISR B is interrupted, that of...
We are currently seeing issues while trying to get UART communication working : we have have 2 stm32h7 (STM32H753) boards connected via RS-232. On board 1 we are sending 4kB of data each second and on board 2 we are receiving this data.Tx on board 1 ...