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Forum Posts

DMA Mem to peripheral inconsistent output

I have a timer + dma which outputs a signal for addressable LEDS. The code calls the PWM Start function on a crude timer loop for testing purposes.The first time the DMS starts, its perfect, and the output is correct and as expected. However the seco...

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Resolved! stm32g431 boot 0 pb8

how disable boot 0 pin8 i used this pin for input make problem to boot from flash how can disable any condition mcu boot from flash not check this pin when reset

Trying to do an encoder with an FSM

Hello, right now im trying to do an encoder as a project for my digital electronics class. I've done it in two different ways, by functions and by switch cases, and neither seem to work. I have to make it so every time a switch of states ocurr within...

OMart.6 by Associate
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