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Resolved! STLINK-V3MODS SWD protocol

Hello everyone.I want to connect a STLINK-V3MODS to a microcontroller STM32L031 using SWD protocol, I have tried the following the following conection:Is that enough to flash a program using stmcube mx?

Gomar by Associate II
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Cannot write to Micron NOR flash

I’m trying to write data to the [MT25QL512ABB NOR flash]( using an S...

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STM32 interrupt latency

hi there ! I have an RTOS project, there are many interrupts (UART1,UART2,UART3, CAN interrupts, ....etc) . I want to measure the interrupt latency of any interrupt in the system. as you know the latency is the time between the event of interrupt (T1...

Long Period Timer PWM Setup

Hello,I am attempting to set up a timer PWM output to have a set 600s period with a variable duty cycle based on a potentiometer input using an STM32G030J6 MCU.  I've setup PWM output timers before will little difficulty but this time I'm having a di...

STM32H743 SPI4 MISO pin not receiving data

INFO:STM32H743XIHxSTM32Cube FW_H7 V1.11.2STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.14.1 - (have not updated to 1.15 due to being mid-project)STM32CubeMX - Version: 6.10.0-RC9 SPI4 configuration:I have verified the following:1) The NSS, SCLK, MOSI, and MISO lines all h...

GreenGuy by Senior III
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Issue connecting to B-U585I-IOT02A

Hello,I am having some issues connecting to the B-U585I-IOT2A development kit with my computer. I have preformed steps 1 through 3 as detailed in section 6 of the user manual UM2839, however, the device is not recognized by device manager and I am un...

Resolved! I can not upload any firmware to my STM32H75 board.

STM32H7 SeriesI am trying to upload Ardupilot to my board. The co-processor works just fine with the regular procudure but no matter how much I tried, could not get the firmware on MCU.I have tried with the regular upload process documented on LINK  ...

_CEVVAL by Associate II
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Clock cycle shift on GPIO output STM32F103

Dear Community,I am porting an old application made on AVR to STM32, and I am facing a strange timing issue. In a nutshell, the application is reading sector (512 Bytes) from a SDCARD and output the content of the buffer to GPIO with 4us cycle (meani...

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vbesson by Associate II
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