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Forum Posts

STM32U5A9 boot fail at low temperatures

Hi,We have a design that at normal temperatures runs fine (21C). If it goes below 0C it starts failing to boot.The system has the Secure Boot Secure Firmware Update (SBSFU) system on it. We found that putting a delay at the start of the main() functi...

NPato by Associate II
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AN2867 compatible crystal tables

I am currently choosing an LSE and HSE crystal for an STM32H743 project. AN2867 includes tables of compatible STM32 crystals. There is also a crystal selection tool from ECS which i've used. My question is, after selecting a crystal from the tables, ...

BobaJFET by Associate II
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I2C1 & I2C2 Difference

Hello, this is DK.I am working on a project using stm32f429IIt6.I'm currently having an I2C problem at the end of my project.I2C1 uses PF 0, 1 / I2C2 uses PB 6, 7. The HW PCB completed, and the HW I2C pull up is the same.In I2C1 HAL code, the entire ...

Jdogk by Associate III
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H7 USB doesn't work with Core WFI

The USB Host seems to not work if WFI is executed in the FreeRTOS Idle task.  Is it not possible to use USB with a WFI Core sleep?Thanks for any insight.  A forum search yielded mention of similar problems on other devices (over years!) but no defini...

stm32F10x MSC with SPI Flash (W25Q256) problem

Hello,I am trying make a USB device MSC.It works fine with SD card, but I want both SD card and flash.( I set max_lun to 1.)I have wrote the SPI_Flash_Write and  SPI_Flash_Read that can be called by MAL_Write and MAL_Read.It seems work fine cause I c...

thonsha by Associate
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