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Hello... could anyone advise how to reduce the categories table on the left? i couldn't reduce it !  cos i couldn't see the pull-down menu "access only + MPU..." I m already using a 32" monitor! 
Hello, It's a discussion continuity of the thread: replace PA3 instead of PA1, now all interrupt sw works except PA3... whats happen to this PA3 interrupt?...
Hello, I'm using H723 Nucleo. I set 5 ext interrupt pins: PA0, PA1, PA4, PC2_C, and PC13 as EXTI to 5 switches, enabled NVIC interrupt, GPIO pull-up,  interrupt with rising edge triggered, and tied these 5 pins to switches with the other end to groun...
HI there, i m using F410 Nucleo, and i keep getting these errors when using USART2, as I declare in 2 separe files i.e. main.c and buffer.  could anyone advise how to resolve this?error: multiple definition of `huart2'; //main.c .. /* Private variabl...