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 21:56:14 **** Incremental Build of configuration Debug for project H745_Ethernet_PING_CM7 **** make -j8 all make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.10.1/H745_Ethernet_PING/Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/src/core/altcp.c', ...
Hello.. anyone can advise where to find user manual and schematic for Discovery kit for STM32H750? I would like to know if H750 Disco is using Ethernet MII or RMII? I was looking at F750 Disco is using RMII. TQ!
Hello.. i m working on Ethernet RMII on H743 nucleo, and encountered this error msg, could anyone advise how to configure RAM at 0x24000000? TQ!  
Hello.. anyone can advise where to find F767Zi user manual ? TQ !
Hello , i have been getting this error very frequently across a few board  2x H7A3 and now i getting on H743 nucleo, sometimes i managed to resolve this by shorting boot0 pin and VCC pin then do a chip erase.  Most of the time cannot resolve this err...