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Forum Posts

How to add Cortex-M33 to TrueSTUDIO ?

I know TrueSTUDIO is tagged as obsolete, but I like to use it.The STM32H5 use Cortex-M33 core, then how to add M33 support?I already upgraded TrueSTUDIO to support GCC 10.3.1 and recent loaders and SVD files. It would be nice to use M33 cores with Tr...


Resolved! Bit-banged I2S on STM32F103

Hello everybody,I am trying to bit-bang an I2S interface on an STM32F103 at 72MHz using TIM2.Am I way too optimistic to get a 3MHz "clock" out on a pin? The fastest I can seem to get it is at 90kHz.I have set the "prescaler" of TIM2 to "0" and "1".An...

PGild.1 by Associate III
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STM32F411RE and nrf24l01 module compatability issues

Sir I am doing my final year project and got struck. My project aim is to receive data from the nrf24l01 module which connected with arduino for generating sinewaves this act as TX part. Now in RX part I am using nrf24l01 with STM32f411re and I want ...

RM.7 by Associate
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NUCLEO 144 board power consumption depends on the link order of the compiled objects in your STM32CubeL4/Projects/NUCLEO-L496ZG/Examples/PWR/PWR_ModesSelection example

When running your PWR_ModeSelection example on a NUCLEO-L496ZG board the current consumption in run range 2, 24MHz depends on the order objects are linked in the executable. When the object_list is in this order:hal/stm32l4xx_hal.ohal/stm32l4xx_hal_...