I first use the default RootCA1, device certificate and private key to configure, but it show the error:"WARN: setRTCTimeDateFromNetwork L#84 Could not find hostname ipaddr www.gan";Then I follow the readme, and use the"Amazon1_Usertrust_Baltimore.cr...
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init();...
Hi!So i am new to this STM32 family. I purchased a blackpill with STM32F401CCU6. I am trying to get the printf working on it. I followed multiple resources to get it working which included the ITM Data Trace, OpenOCD semihosting, UART, etc. Some chan...
Hi everyone, can anyone pls help me with the problem, i'm trying to read the unique ID of the stm32U585 controller, i'm able to read the ID with HAL functions, but im getting the same output for all the three different controller with different syste...
Hi community.. Is there a simple way to implement a kind of secure boot on stm32f4 microcontrolelrs ? Do you have some application notes or ideas to share ? Thanks
I have a project where I need to output a precise waveform to drive some external FETs and thought this would be a good opportunity to fill a DMA buffer with CCR values and tie this to TIM2 that is configured with output capture on channel 1. Just fo...
I am trying to us the LPTIM low power timer to trigger interrupts intermittently while the MCU is in STOP2 mode, but I am unable to do so. I am testing the interrupts by toggling a GPIO pin and checking the output on a scope.Without STOP mode I see t...
Hi @ChannelI am trying to interface SAM Module TDA8026 with STM32U585 and have few doubtsAny support in this regard(Reference, example library etc)As per the ISO 7816 standard - maximum frequency of clk should be less than 5MHz with default fi and di...