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Forum Posts

Resolved! L412 documentation error.

I think I found a documentation error in the L412 datasheet. The Quadspi is documented to support two banks in the QUADSPI module description, but I can only find the pins for BK1, which I assume is the first bank. My guess is that the QUADSPI module...

STM32F407 Ref Manual Bus Matrix - Typo?

Histudying the DMA of the STM32F407 MCU, I came across Figure 1: System architecture.It says DMA_PI for GP_DMA1 but DMA_P2 for GP_DMA2.I reckon that DMA_PI is a simple typo and should be called DMA_P1 and stands for the DMA peripheral bus.Would you a...

AAnth.1 by Senior
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Resolved! Hardfault randomly when I do sprintf

Hello everyone,I'm developing a firmware for an STM32F767 and I have a problem that happens randomly and I can't figure out why. From what I could analyze looking at the stack I think the problem comes when doing a sprintf and I have the hypothesis t...

Nickjmas by Associate III
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HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_IT fails to initialize

Hello There,I'm using STM32H7A3 and facing a weird issue with HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_IT() API.STM is connected to Cellular Modem via UART. When I turn on the modem via some GPIOs, initially it throws some init data. But when I call HAL_UARTEx_Recei...

KAgga.1 by Associate III
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