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Hi, is there anyone who can help me to understand the circuits of the x-nucleo-ihm08m1 ? Like explaining to me how the figure 5 does the analog conditiong and current protection.
Hi,When I flash a code that contain to start the motor (MC_StartMotor1) or press start on ST Motor Pilot, my motor doesn't manage to rotate on its own. It's like it is stuck and need help manually to finally be able to spin. Any idea what could be th...
Hello,I working with a motor that has very few info : motorBased on the picture, to do the profiling (in ST Motor profiler) of this motor. Pole pairs : 42Max speed : 600Max current : 5AVoltage : 24V but the application show 23V (therefore 12V as unde...
Hi, I tried to build my project but I faced these errors :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_1.12.1/STM32CubeIDE/plugins...
Hi, I'm learning how to use timers by following digikey's tutorial : Getting Started with STM32 and Nucleo Part 6: Timers and Timer Interrupts | Digi-Key Electronics - YouTubeHowever at 9:41 in the video I don't understand the code : // If enough tim...
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