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Forum Posts

Signa A and B with 90 degree phase shift

Hello dear friends,does any one know how i can have 2 signal with 90 degree phase shift? but i want to use this easy bit pattern to have it and not pwm, just with this bit pattern 00, 01, 11, 10, and also a sleep time for delay, it shouldn't be diffi...

HA.5 by Associate III
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Resolved! Using both CAN1 & CAN2 both in STM32F446RC

Hi, I want to use both CAN1 and CAN2 for my application with 500kbps and 125kbps speeds respectively. I have initialized both of them as per my requirements using HAL. Where in Tx is implemented in polling and Rx in interrupts. CAN1 Tx and Rx working...

MG.5 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 CANbus is not sending/receiving message

I am trying to send messages from Can1 to Can2 in an stm32f205vet6. HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage is returning HAL_OK but I am not able to receive any messages in CAN2. And I cant see any messages transmitted in a scope. clock speed = 120MhzCan speed = 500 kb...

JThom.15 by Associate III
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