STM32H743ZIT6,What is the maximum turnover frequency about GPIO with Timer?
I want to output 5MHz PWM as other chip CLK signal.How to do it?
I want to output 5MHz PWM as other chip CLK signal.How to do it?
CUBEMX Settings as above:The callback function is as follows:void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { if(htim->Instance == TIM2) { LL_GPIO_TogglePin(CLK_GPIO_Port,CLK_Pin); } }The call code is as follows:USB_pri...
I get a STM32H5 Nucleo board (MB1814) and configured comparator with neccessary settings using CubeIDE and LL library and got next generated piece of code.I trigger mode choice Rising/Falling Edge Interrupt. LL_EXTI_EnableFallingTrig_0_31(LL_EXTI_LI...
The application is to fine tune acoustic resonantors. In other words we want to be able to tune DMA DAC output from 29.990 to 30.010 in 1 Hz steps. Ideally we also would like to tune the amplitude. There are some ideas with DAC reference prescalers a...
Hello, My question is about language C.My nucleo receive some AT Command (from my pc) and i have write a function for compute the command.Ex : AT+SPEED? > return "SPEED" (only).>I 'm able to get only the command (by print over uart).>My command is st...
what is exact difference between W25Q128 VS N25Q128 . any one have experience the used the W25Q128 instead of N25Q128 . as per micron website N25Q128 Part Status : Obsolete . any one can please suggest the quad spi W25Q128 library or any respiratory...
When I enable SPE for my Spi I receive 1 byte as expected, and the RXNE flag is set. However, when I read the SPI1->DR value, it does not clear RXNE. I also noticed the OVR flag is set for some reason, even though I am reading the ->DR in the RXNE i...
Hi,I checked the default values of option bytes in STM32G071 by reading it from a device by using STM32CubeProgrammer.I observed that values are not the same as it is specified in the RM0444.I detected mismatch in value of PCROP1A_STRT registers and ...
Hi, I want to store 1Kb of configuration data in an internal flash by emulating EEPROM in the stm32h7251gk6 controller. It has only one bank and 8 sectors each 128KB. Can someone guide me, please?