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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F769i DISCO recovery to factory reset

I have purchased STM32F769 Discovery Kit. I'm new to this board usage. I tried an led blinking example using STM32CubeIDE. After Debugging the code I lost the factory default code and now nothing is showing on LCD display.Is there a way to get back t...

bootloader to FreeRTOS on stm32f0x

Hi, I'm trying to jump to a FreeRTOS app via a bootloader that i made. I'm pretty new to this. I know there is a lot of similar topic on the internet but none of them fixed my problem. When I try to jump to my FreeRTOS app with my bootloader, nothing...

retroll by Associate II
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Problems with RTC - wakeup from STOP-Mode

Hi,i am using a STM32L010K8 MCU and i want to wake up from stop mode when a RTC-Wakeup interrupt occours. Here in this example i set the RTC wakeup interrupt for 30 seconds. Without entering the sleep mode the RTC IRQ works fine. But if the MCU enter...

ledi001 by Senior
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Evalkit-robot-1 Modbus

Not getting expected responses from motor according to ST manual. @Enrico Poli maybe you knowIs there something wrong with our Modbus packets or is what we are seeing correct and the manual is wrong?  The answers here seem OFF TOPIC and cause confusi...

sdownsee_0-1687983105808.png sdownsee_1-1687983105814.png
sdownsee by Associate II
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Rust, STM32L451, entering Stop Mode

Hi, I have a problem entering Stop Mode 2 with STM32L451CCU6. My current consumption is around 600 uA, while expected should be much lower. What can cause this problem? Here is the code:  use cortex_m::asm; use cortex_m_rt::entry; use stm32l4xx_hal::...

rbb by Associate
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