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Forum Posts

Resolved! ADC Readings Effected by Capacitors?

Hello,  I am new to ST boards, so please bear with me! I am trying to get a vibration reading from a beam using a piezoelectric sensor through an analog pin (ADC reading). I noticed in experiment that the timing of the piezoelectric sensor was not qu...

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aab by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H7 Synchronous USART receiving problem with DMA

Hello, in my project I need to read an encoder that clocks out data with clock burst. For this I decided to use UART with clock generation and DMA. (I also mixed up RX from one UART to another , but this is not a problem if request happens at the sam...

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Linas L by Senior II
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Resolved! ADC and pullup/pulldown

Hi, for a STM32F303RE I configured a pin as an ADC input. I want to use the pullup/pulldown resistors as a voltage divider for an offset voltage. I tried to switch on both in ADC mode, that did not work. Everything is fine with the pin configured as ...

DetlefS by Associate III
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UART DMA and SPI DMA problems on STM32G0B0

Hi all,I have an system that reads data form an external ADC via SPI DMA, i send the StartConversion CMD and when it's done i get and IRQ so i can read the register. I also have an UART communication that polls every 2sec for the new data, I have the...

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Pulses on PC13 pin of STM32F103C6T6

The LED connected to the Blue Pill board on PC13 pin blinks after power up. Just to check the pulses on that pin, probed and seeing the attached pulses. Why are these pulses generated? I haven't seen any data about this in any of the documents? I did...

Resolved! STM32G0B0 ROM Bootloader USB DFU

Hi,I have been able to use the option bytes to configure the Nucleo-G0B1RE to jump straight into the ROM bootloader on powerup and I can see the DFU on Cube Programmer, however on our target board with a G0B0 using the same user option bytes settings...

SageTech by Associate
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