ADC triggering on value
Hello,Is it possible to set trigger when ADC converter reach a certain value? I mean that an interrupt rutine is called when ADC reach a user value. Can you please provide or refer a piece of code?Thank,Petr
Hello,Is it possible to set trigger when ADC converter reach a certain value? I mean that an interrupt rutine is called when ADC reach a user value. Can you please provide or refer a piece of code?Thank,Petr
Hi,'m trying adapt code in link above to the code in the link below to make a simple blink led(In the case of the link below, the project adds a button). I'm getting the issues below. Any help fr...
I was getting Start with STM32F401CCU. I am not able to find the COM PORT to USE in ARDUINO IDE.But in Device Manager i was able to find the belowAs STM32 BootLoader. Which i am not able use ARDUINO IDE.Can AnyBody help me to fix this
If when i use hal_uart_init(&huart8) get result Details:HAL_ERROR Default:HAL_ERROR,Decimal:1,Hex:0x1,Binary:1,Octal:01.When i use step into ,reach at final while(sets-- !=0u)and no more what does this mean ? how could i solve this problem? static vo...
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For Debug Pinout and Configuration I see External Trigger Bi-directional associated with PC7. What is this? What are the voltage levels?
Hello!I'm new to DMA concept, and need some clarification on several DMA questions (STM32h7). Q1. From RM0433: "To ensure data coherence, each group of transfers that form a burst are indivisible: AHB transfers are locked and the arbiter of the AHB b...
Hello folks, we are working on an application where STM32L072CZ needs to wake up from STOP mode on a data received interrupt on UART and LPUART RX lines. We are aiming for STM32L072CZ to be in low power mode and needs to wake up when an external sens...
Posted on February 07, 2013 at 19:23Hello, My intention is using TIM1 Complementary PWM Channel 1-3 for Brushless Motor Control. I want to sample the Phase Voltage at the middle of PWM ON Duty Cycle. I have configure TIM1 to output 6 Channel PWM but...
Hi,someone can explain me how to calculate the "dummy cycles" number reading an external flash qspi such as the Winbond W25Q64JV ?I have to read in qspi mode with the Fast Read Quad I/O (EBh) command in SDR mode. The flash memory datasheet asks for 4...