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i have flashed a stm32f103c8t6 with freejoy code but now i am trying to re-use this for another project but how to i flash this back to a stock form. as when plugged back in to pc its coming up with they freejoy and not able to get it to show for pro...

caver99 by Associate
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Resolved! Built In LED Stopped Working

Hello,I was using STM32 Blue Pill board and it was working fine until few hours ago. It suddenly stopped working. I was trying to make the built-in LED (At PC13) blink using Arduino IDE but it's not even blinking when i do Reset now. I've tried Flash...

STM32G051 ADC Calibration issue

Hi I am using the STM23G051C8T6 for the internal RTC and an external battery on Vbat. I noticed if I perform the Calibration using the following lineHAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(&hadc1);my initial ADC reading will be lower then actual reading. For exa...

KDham.1 by Associate II
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I'm out before I even really got started...

Hopefully someone at STE cares enough to take this honest feedback on board...My project had to move from atmel to something with more performance.  I settled on STM32.The experience has been terrible due to sub-optimal documentation from STE, relyin...

Is HAL_I2C_GetState() required in polling IO mode?

I am using the HAL library with an STM32L07xx processor. To keep things simple, I have implemented master transfers on the I2C bus in the polling IO mode. Most of the time it seems to work, however once in a while a master transmit seems to get lost....

DavePfz by Associate III
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Resolved! Generated PWM resolution

Hi,I am new to STM32 devices. I have a STM32F407 Discovery 1 board.I wanted to generate a 1 KHZ signal with a 50% duty cycle.The timer clock is configured to 84 MHZI am using TIM3 on channel 4. The prescaler is 210 and the counter period is 400 =>840...

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BAW by Associate III
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