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Hello everyone, I recently came across a subject at the university in which we programmed a discovery board. Normally what we did was configure the peripherals with the CubeMx, then we added some libraries for sensors to the project, and we programme...
Hi,I have an STM32L0538 discovery board and I'm trying the Demo example. The problem is that it does not work. When I flash the board it changes the e-ink display like this:Also when I touch the bottom bar it does nothing. The revision of the board i...
Hi All, I'm using an STM32F1 with a 240x240 LCD screen that comunicates with the micro by SPI (with DMA). The screen uses the ST7789 driver (I supose it is not important). I'm working with RGB565 color format.The problem that I have is, for example, ...
Hello all,I'm using the HAL library for the camera, specifically I'm using the function: HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DCMI_Start_DMA(DCMI_HandleTypeDef *hdcmi, uint32_t DCMI_Mode, uint32_t pData, uint32_t Length)In the function are many return HAL_ERROR, an...
Hi there!I'm using an STM32F746 disco with an OV9655 camera module. I have already configured all necessary peripherals: LTDC, FMC and DCMI.What I want to do exactly is tell the camera in which buffer I want it to save the image. In the meantime, pro...