STM32 MCUs Products

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I almost dont want to ask the question...

Hello.I may be on a fools errand here. I have a STM32U5A9J-DK kit obtained by work, for work. I work for a medical devices company and I get to decide what hardware is used in one of our main medical telestration products. I have endless hardware exp...

Z8000 by Associate
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flash related issues of STM32F103 series

When using the STM32F103 series, it is occasionally found that the content of some flash addresses will be automatically written as 0xFF when powering on.and sometimes it's written as 0x00.I want to know why does this happen? or under what circumstan...

liuxc by Associate
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STM32L4A6 GPIO PC8 pin can't be pulled to low

Hi,i Pin PC8 is configured as GPIO,  but unfortuately, after execute following codesHAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_8, GPIO_PIN_SET) andHAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_8, GPIO_PIN_RESET) , the pin status didn't change, always keeps in High status...

Owenlu by Associate II
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Resolved! Questions regarding ADC ON STM32

Hi All,I'm starting to get familiar with the STM32 Series of Microprocessors and I'm completing some exercises using a mixture of direct writting to peripherals and low level ST libraries using the CUBEMX to get familiar with the chips. I'm using the...

cdtsilva by Associate
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STM32G474 error code

Hi, I'm using STM32G474RET6 for development.When I debug code by SWD, the download verified successfully.But it will be suspended at HAL_Init() and show an error is Break at address "0x1fff5048" with no debug information available, or outside of prog...

Stone1_0-1698818507459.png Stone1_1-1698818516062.png
Stone1 by Associate II
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Beginner`s ask for help to flash the STM32

Hi,I am an absolute beginner in STM32 ecosystem. This is my first time programing an STM32. My MCU is STM32F756VGH6 in TFBGA100 package. I wrote a simple led blink program and encountered a problem while trying to flash the MCU (got some kind of erro...

Vilius by Associate III
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Resolved! Bring up stm32G4 custom board

Hi,In my project I need to bring up stm32g4 IC in custom board. Can anyone tell me the process to do that.1. Bootlooader flashing: Do we need to flash the bootloade in to IC?if Yes,Where can I get the bootloader for STM32G4 IC.What is the process to ...