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Forum Posts

Resolved! L431 debug stops after enabling timer update interrupt

Hi all, I have encountered a problem where the debug would stop working as soon as the program hits the line where TIM15's update interrupt is enabled. From there the program appears to be still running but would not stop at any breakpoints and live ...

ZJing by Associate III
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USB HID sample code

Hi team,              I am using one usb-nfc dongle from microE, to integrate it with my board. That dongle is already has code of HID and it is stand alone is working fine (when I connected it to my laptop directly), however am facing challenges whe...

Shikamaru by Associate III
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Resolved! USB DFU configuration / use

Hi,I used a F105RCT6 in a custom board, i want to use the DFU mod.When I generate the project with cubemx I select USB DEVICE and DFU mid, i change the clock configuration corectly. I generate the FW, and i flash him.The DFU is running, i open cubepr...

Resolved! tolerance for the decoupling

I'm working on hardware design and have some doubts regarding selecting the tolerance value for the decoupling capacitor for stm32l4 series I have read the application note and data sheet I could not find the value for how can I find the...


Resolved! TRACECLK freq. in STM32H5

I do not see any information on the datasheet or reference manual, how is the TRACECLK in STM H5 (particularly 563 if it matters) derived ? Is the TRACECLKIN SYSCLK or FCLK ?

mete by Senior II
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sending same data over DMA

I'm using stm32u535 and LIS3DHTR accelerometer. The accelerometer has a 32 FIFO buffer, and I set it up so that it sends a signal to interrupt pin when FIFO is full. To read data, I need to send 0xE900,0x0000,0x0000 (saved in uint16_t  ACC_READ_ALL_D...

btd5 by Associate II
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Resolved! Hardfault while using TrustZone STM32H573i-DK

Hi everyone,I'm currently experimenting with a STM32H573i-DK and TrustZone and facing some issues.First I tried enabling TrustZone in the Project Creation Process. When i try to run this empty project using the steps:SpoilerSelect and build the xxxxx...

funkii by Associate III
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