DISABLE/ENABLE EXTI interrupts using hal
Posted on November 10, 2015 at 15:39Hi, I need to disable a EXTI interrupt and then enabling it again later. How can I do that using the hal implementation? I am working on STM32F070.
Posted on November 10, 2015 at 15:39Hi, I need to disable a EXTI interrupt and then enabling it again later. How can I do that using the hal implementation? I am working on STM32F070.
hello, I am applying the safety library provided by st company to stm32f103c8.In the example provided, the capture function of TIM5 is connected to the LSI oscillator, but the MCU (stm32f103c8) I use does not seem to be able to connect to the LSI osc...
Hi,I have a problem in my program with the CAN SCE Interrupt. I work with a STM32F412VG but I have the same problem with a STM32F413VG, STM32F103C8 and STM32F042K6. And I work with MikroPascal Pro IDE from MikroElektronika.I try to get an interrupt w...
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hello , where can i see cpu cycle count from one breakpoint to next breakpoint in stmcubeide ? i am using stm32f103 board.
My STM32H743 SPI interrupt handler is being repeatedly called even though the interrupt enable register (IER) is 0. I'm running in slave mode and probably doing something really wrong for this to happen. Here are the register values:Name Value Ac...
Hello,I am utilizing the FDCAN1 CANbus protocol on the STM32H725AGI6 MCU currently. I am trying to determine the execution time for the firmware to execute the lines of code, as the timing can be critical in some applications. So for example, I woul...
Hi all, I was wondering if there is a way to set up the LSE as the source for a Timer on the STM32F030R8 to generate a PWM output signal. Currently doing a deep dive on clock configurations, timers, etc. and I have been able to use the HSE for PWM, b...