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Forum Posts

Resolved! Problem with switching pins

Hi to all!I have the following question: why do the relays in the circuit start switching when I connect the STM32F1 microcontroller to the computer through the programmer?And similar happens when I initialize RCC. As if all the contacts are being ch...

Resolved! STM32L4xx TAMP/BKP register use problems

Greetings,I'm attempting to make use of the tamper backup registers.I am enabling the RTC and have using LSI as the clock source.ROP is not enabled, I am not using the TAMP input pins, and i am debugging via SWD.As it is at the moment, writing a valu...

mwp by Senior
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Resolved! Microcontroller getting damaged when connecting to a VCU

I am using STM32G0c8t6 microcontroller to make a BLDC motor controller. I am connecting the Rx and Tx of UART to a VCU and they are sharing the same battery. Apart from these, there is no other connection between them. And sometimes, for some unknown...

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Gladson by Associate III
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flashing error

Hi Team i am facing some issue related to flashing code. previously i flashed the STM32Cube_FW_WL Lora wan example code into my stm32wl5cc controller PCB using J-link debugger. after successfully flashed the code i am trying to flash another code int...

kRaje.1 by Associate II
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Timer triggered ADC DMA burst only happens once

Using STM32G030F6 and STM32CubeMX, I am trying to do a sequence of single channel conversions on each edge of a PWM signal (generated by an internal timer).  PWM is setup fine and working on TIM3 channel 1.   TIM3 TRGO is set to OC1REF.  ADC is set u...

ADunc.1 by Senior
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lwip on STM32h743

Hello,I am using a Nucleo-h743ZI2 and would like to enable Ethernet with LWiP module. I have started with the "How to create project for STM32H7 with Ethernet and LwIP stack working" guide. I am using, with a few modifications as possible, the STM32H...

GilRoss by Associate II
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NUCLEO-H723ZG External supply 3.3V problem

HeyI work with NUCLEO-H723ZG and I try to work with 3.3V External power supply.I try to connect the board according to the datasheet:and I saw few problems:1. My code is not working. I proggram simple code of blinking. when I work with 5V (external/u...

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TOsso.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32f103c8 Blue Pill High Power Consumption

Hi, I'm designing a low power tilt and shake detection sensor module using the STM32 blue pill board. I'm trying my best to attain the datasheet values of 2-5µA. I have done the following:1) Set all GPIO pins to Analog 2) Disabled all peripherals man...

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