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Resolved! HAL_I2S_TxCpltCallback is called only once

I'm testing whether HAL_I2S_TxCpltCallback or HAL_I2S_TxHalfCpltCallback is called properly by setting i2s to normal and periodically calling HAL_I2S_Transmit_DMA. However, HAL_I2S_TxCpltCallback or HAL_I2S_TxHalfCpltCallback is called only once and ...

eunoia by Associate
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IWDG Doesn't Reset Without Refreshing with F103RC

Hi,I am trying to use IWDG to function as a 5s timer, IWDG is reloaded every second. In order to test the functionality, I just activated it with default parameters of PRESCALER=4 RELOAD VALUE=4095, and I did nothing else (no refreshing the timer), w...

Chao_0-1736418375886.png Chao_1-1736418396524.png
Chao by Senior
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How send answer on UDP server ?

Hello,I created UDP server with LwIP stack on STM32F407.I tried example udp_echo _server. It works.Now I need send from server my own answer data in callback function.The program hangs in callback function.void udp_echoserver_receive_callback(void *a...

Peko by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 Nucleo- L4A6ZG differential ADC input Error.

Hi there. I am testing my circuit with a 3.3V sine wave that has a 1.65V DC offset. PC01 has the Signal InputPC02 has the 1.65V.Looking at the output file from the ADC, I am not getting the total signal. 0-4096. My wave is between 1000 and 3000 appro...

nafis by Associate II
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Potential memory leak in SPI HAL for STM32H753

Configuring SPI for 24 bit data frames and receiving single data frames via HAL_SPI_Receive_IT (which redirects to HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_IT() in case bidirectional transfer is enabled), hspi->RxXferCount and hspi->RxXferSize are both set to the val...

MNagl.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! General Purpose Timer as Wakeup

Hi guys, im initializing a low/ultra low power project and i will use the STM32C011J4M6, i need to know if a general purpose timer like the TIM14 can wakeup the microcontroller in the low power modes (sleep, stop, etc).I was reading the datasheet (i ...

Resolved! SPI vs GPIO - Alternate Functions (AF)

@Tesla DeLorean Hi! Thank you for helping me with the BOOTING process. However, I have a question about the peripherals. I am planning to control a TFT screen that requires 40 pins and RGB protocol. At first, I was planning to choose random GPIOs to ...

STM32U5 - Enable MDF use ADC1 as data source

Hello, I have further questions related to ADC1 and MDF. The solution solved this case: ADC1 with one single input channel.  How about multiple input channels are connected to ADC1 of STM32U585?  I use 4x analog inputs as example, they are connected ...

YN15054 by Associate
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