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How does FDCAN time stamping work exactly on the STM32H7 ?

Associate II

The FDCAN module generates timestamps for sent and received messages, and you can configure it to use TIM3 as the source. Unfortunately, the documentation is rather thin, so I am left with a few questions:

  • Do TIM3 and FDCAN need to run from the same clock or are they synchronized?
  • What triggers the timestamp? I suspect this is the SOF bit, and it is sampled once every normal time quantum, so that the trigger resolution is one time quantum
  • One probably should not use the timer overflow flag in the CAN module when using TIM3, but check directly in the timer?
  • Is there a recommended sequence to get FDCAN time quanta and TIM3 aligned, or should we just run TIM3 with a higher frequency?
Associate II


can anybody answer the above questions? I dont find any information on how to configure using external CLK source for FDCAN RX timestamp (FDCAN_TIMESTAMP_EXTERNAL). Any advises are appreciated.


Best regards,


Hello brother 

I have one doubt im doing with rx timestamping I properly configured with 8 prescalar and freq is 64MHZ as per this my wraparound callback have to execute every 8millisec but it is executing for every 1.2sec I used internal rx time stamp fdcan Can please suggest me where I'm doing wrong