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Forum Posts

NTC-Temperature Sensor

I used STM32F072C8T6.ADC - IN0, IN1 set.An application that measures temperature with an NTC temperature sensor.​   ​PullUp resistance 10K was connected to Vdd (3.29V) and PA0, PA1..When the HAL_ADC_Start_DMA function is executed, the voltage of ADC ...

스크린샷 2024-02-26 214841.png
hwm by Associate
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STM32F302R8 ADC injected configuration weirdness

I'm seeing strange behavior trying to write to the ADC1_JSQR register. This register controls the channel sequence and the trigger source of injected conversions. After enabling the ADC (ADEN=1), a write to bits 7:0 (JEXTEN, JEXTSEL & JL) locks out f...

tld by Associate
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stm32F412.. disco -- Unable to get the sdcard working.

I've been testing ST chips and started with the STM32F411 using my own board for testing with the SD card, which I wasn't able to get working. Thinking it was my fault, I ordered the STM32F412 Discovery board and I can confirm that using the examples...

pumarada by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32U575 GPDMA DCMI High resolution image

HiI've been struggling trying to get an Image from a Image sensor over DCMI via the GPDMA on an STM32U575.The image sensor has a resolution of 752*480, though I only want to capture 420*420, which I've configured on the sensor to output. I've also co...

Resolved! Porting WICED sdk from STM32F423 to STM32U5A5

Good morning, I have to do a porting from a project developed on STM32F423 to an STM32U5A5The starting project used the wiced sdk, with the supported platform STM32F423.If I understand well, for STM32U5A the wiced sdk is deprecated, and it would be b...

CORDIC COS implementation  I  was trying to Enable CORDIC IN STM32G4 series  for  checking the time taken by normal cos function and cos CORDIC function.  But i found that both are taking almost the same time. which is not poss...

Sushmita by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 Blue pill Freertos

Hi,I am planning to use STM32 bluepill board with Freertos. Hence trying to use Freertos API. I wanted to know how the CUBE IDE makes sure that API call to Freertos doesn't transform into an API call to Linux OS on which CUBE IDE is installed during ...

bdpak by Associate II
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