I'm attempting to enable the Stop mode on the STM32L4R5ZIP, but it appears to significantly deviate from the specifications outlined in the datasheet, exhibiting a higher current consumption ranging from 7 to 9 mA in both sleep and stop modes.Even af...
I cant make work the HRTIM. I am using the weact board.I tried HRTIM-A and TRTIM-D using the cubeide (latest updated). the first one using "basic HAL" and the second using "Advanced Hal" instructionsTIM5 works so it seems that clock is working.I adde...
I have an STM32G071CBTx with a rotary encoder wired to GPIO pins PB5 + PB7 (LPTIM1_IN1 and LPTIM1_IN2), but for some reason it will never count down no matter which way the encoder is turned.I have checked the encoder waveforms and they are as expect...
Good morning community,I am trying to capture output compare unit.Board: STM32F407G Discovery.I configure TIM1 which is 16bit timer on bus1.Reference clock is 12.5Mhz in our case.I am seeing when I run the code only one time interrupt is generated an...
Hello to all, Our design is using STM32F042G6 MCU to implement STSW-STM32011 firmware interface based on STM32Cube which implements ISO7816 protocol for us to talk to smart card. Unfortunately it does not seem to move beyond ATR.Is our MCU we use not...
Hi,I have successfully setup SPI between a master to many slave STM32F373s. I include an 8 bit deviceID in the packet header and the master always initiates the request.I am looking for the best way for the master to assign unique device IDs. I'm c...
Hey STM32 Community, I'm currently working on a project involving the STM32L072CZ microcontroller and could use some guidance on CRC calculation procedures. Here's a rundown of what I'm trying to accomplish: I'm downloading a FOTA .bin file in 1024-b...
Hello everyone, I am currently working on the SMT32H747i_DISCO board and I was wondering if it is possible to use the Segger J-Link debugger on the Board. There is a j-tag pin out connected to the Dev board which suggests that it should be possible. ...
Hi Team, We are using the STM32F103RDT6 microcontroller in one of our projects. The end-user application of our project is a laptop vending machine. Simply put, students can acquire laptops/tablets by using their IDs. However, we are facing diff...