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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F756VGH6 not generating PWM.

Hi, I am a beginner STM32 user. I am exploring the STMCube ecosystem and some simple functions my MCU can do. However, I stuck on generating PWM signal (I simply dont get any signal on the pin, tried few different pins), which based on some youtube S...

Vilius_0-1705825909751.png Vilius_1-1705825993797.png
Vilius by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32U585CIU6 UART upload issue

I'm having trouble uploading to or even properly recognising the STM32U585CIU6 (brand new chip from Mouser) this chip properly in the STM32CubeProgrammer 2.4.0 and hoping someone can help.I'm connecting UART via a generic FTDI, that is known to work ...

AdiXen by Associate
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About project making

I want to make a structured project for stm32 with cmake where I want to make A parent folder like Stm32f4 and in that folder there will be multiple projects like blink, adc, uart and also there will be necessary header and source file(Hal) which wil...

Asraful by Associate III
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UClinux on STM32F4 Discovery

Posted on February 23, 2014 at 13:44Hello,I want to port uClinux on my STM32F4 Discovery board.I followed this tutorial : I have successfully(...

amine by Associate II
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sprintf not working when ADC started

I'm trying to send ADC results over to a receiver via UART, but somewhy the program freezes on sprintf() IF I have called HAL_ADC_Start_DMA() before. If I call sprintf() before HAL_ADC_Start_DMA() it works fine. However, I need to call it after start...

JS8 by Senior
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Resolved! SCKL frequency of SPI

Hello,I have set the BR bit in CR1 to 0 with the expectation of obtaining an 8MHz clock frequency. However, I am encountering an actual frequency of approximately 1.042MHz. Does anyone have an explanation for this issue, or should I consider implemen...