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Resolved! STM32H7 MCU dual processor programming file

Hi, I have a question. I just completed a program for a dual processor MCU, specifically an STM32H745, which has one M7 core and one M4 core. Now I have to organize the production of a hundred cards, and the manufacturer asked me for the .hex file to...

FMass.1 by Associate III
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Properly add BLE library (.a) to a project

In order to design the Bluetooth Low Energy part of my software, I decided to use BLE Profiles_Lib 3.1.3 Library.There is a few folder inside this root folder (BLE_application, BlueNRG1_Periph_Driver, Bluetooth_LE, CMSIS, cryptolib, hal, SDK_Eval_Blu...

Resolved! STM32F746 QSPI XIP with TouchGFX and FreeRTOS

Hello All, I am very beginner in embedded technology. I would like to learn and implement XIP.Currently I am working on a project which uses STM32F746 discovery board and uses TouchGFX and FreeRTOS. It uses qspi in memory mapped mode to store the fon...

pitbull by Associate III
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STPM33 spi read issue

I am using STM32 H563 Nucleo board to read the configurational register (address = 0x24) of STPM33 evaluation board using SPI protocol but while debugging the code i am getting random values on each transmission. Firstly i am transmitting an bytes {0...

Dev_Oza_0-1712052899008.png Dev_Oza_1-1712052912298.png Dev_Oza_2-1712052924621.png Dev_Oza_3-1712052938852.png
Dev_Oza by Associate
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Resolved! STM32U5xx: SPDIF out - how to configure?

I am struggling since days to get "my audio" out via SPDIF (electrical).What I see on scope (there is a voltage divider and cap for DC-free on PC12, Vpp is 0.6V, approx. 75 Ohm impedance):It makes sense - but my SPDIF receiver (a STM32F769I-DISCO boa...

tjaekel by Lead
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Resolved! ADC Calibration doesn't complete on STM32G0C1RE.

Using HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start() to calibrate the ADC. This function always returns HAL_ERROR.Debugging shows its failing after it collects the 8 samples and attempting to disable the ADC is timing out.  (ie.  if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > ADC...

BrianB by Associate II
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