Resolved! Plans for memory scaling in STM32U0
I know the product is new, but are there already some plans on the horizon to maybe increase the flash size and/or have some more intermediate sizes?
I know the product is new, but are there already some plans on the horizon to maybe increase the flash size and/or have some more intermediate sizes?
Hi, I have a question. I just completed a program for a dual processor MCU, specifically an STM32H745, which has one M7 core and one M4 core. Now I have to organize the production of a hundred cards, and the manufacturer asked me for the .hex file to...
In order to design the Bluetooth Low Energy part of my software, I decided to use BLE Profiles_Lib 3.1.3 Library.There is a few folder inside this root folder (BLE_application, BlueNRG1_Periph_Driver, Bluetooth_LE, CMSIS, cryptolib, hal, SDK_Eval_Blu...
On the L4R5 and on the U575 when the LPUART uses the LSE clock source (32768Hz) and is configured for 9600 baud the byte timing is very precise, exactly as predicted by the reference manual as (RM0432, 51.4.7). However the timing of individual bits w...
Hello All, I am very beginner in embedded technology. I would like to learn and implement XIP.Currently I am working on a project which uses STM32F746 discovery board and uses TouchGFX and FreeRTOS. It uses qspi in memory mapped mode to store the fon...
I am using STM32 H563 Nucleo board to read the configurational register (address = 0x24) of STPM33 evaluation board using SPI protocol but while debugging the code i am getting random values on each transmission. Firstly i am transmitting an bytes {0...
We are using STM32G4 Series microcontroller for SPI comm. as slave with microprocessor.For SPI TX operations sometimes we are seeing that callback function HAL_SPI_TxRxCpltCallback() is not getting called even though we are seeing that data is transm...
I am struggling since days to get "my audio" out via SPDIF (electrical).What I see on scope (there is a voltage divider and cap for DC-free on PC12, Vpp is 0.6V, approx. 75 Ohm impedance):It makes sense - but my SPDIF receiver (a STM32F769I-DISCO boa...
Hello everyone, I have to communicate I2C to IC TM1640. In this datasheet of the IC, It show me this IC don't have address and not response ACK. So, my Stm get stucked when i wait for Txe bit is set.How can I fix this?
Using HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start() to calibrate the ADC. This function always returns HAL_ERROR.Debugging shows its failing after it collects the 8 samples and attempting to disable the ADC is timing out. (ie. if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > ADC...