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Forum Posts

STM32F407VET6 DEMCR base address

Good morning,I'm trying to develop a simple Hello World printf example by writting "Hello World" into the port0 of ITM. There are several tutorials telling that 0xE000EDFCU is the base address to set the bit TRCENA to 1. However, when I try to debug ...

Gonzalo by Associate
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Resolved! hash registers not defined in stm32h723xx.h

I am trying to use the cryptographic hash processor on the STM32h723xx, however, I cannot find the registers like HASH_CR defined in the device header files.Can someone please advise If I should be using the register definition from another MCU devic...

DEska.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! USB Device using PA9

I want to use STM32F407V in USB device MSC mode. The device has battery to run the MCU. To fetch data from device, it will be connected to LAPTOP by USB cable.Please confirm below configuration for schematic1) Connect PA9 to VBUS on USB connector,  p...

Nico3 by Senior
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Resolved! MCUBoot on nucleo H563

Hello,I'm working with the nucleo_h563zi board and Zephyr (3.6).  I'm trying to build using MCU Boot and firmware update. I  have been able to successfully build MCUBoot and flash it to the device. That boots but fails with the "Unable to find bootab...

srberard by Associate
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UART Transmit issue

Hi there,I have a gps receive code on f411 black-pill, and it is work fine. Recently, the system updated software packages to F4 1.28.0, found that the HAL library HAL_UART_Transmit does not work on each UART tx port, but HAL_UART_Receive_IT normal, ...

JamesLin by Associate
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SPI periodically receiving wrong data

Hello,I have a custom board with a STM32L010C6 MCU, which periodically reads 3 bytes (24 bit array) from an external component through SPI.I only need SCLK and MISO since the frame resets using a timeout.I configured the SPI as Only-Receiving Master,...

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cgallardo by Associate II
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STM32L031G6x stop mode power consumption issue

Hello.The MCU currently in use is STM32L031G6X.In order to minimize current during sleep, the external circuit currently uses 100K pull-down to PB3 to set it to "Rising Interrupt" and UART 1 for testing.When measuring the current, remove the external...

Palmer by Associate
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Resolved! printf causes terminal to stay just empty.

Hey. I tried to setup `printf` using the following forum post. I am using the `NUCLEO-L4A6ZG`.Here what I've tried so far. I connected the `USART2` to the Pins `PA2` (RX) and `PA3` (TX):(By default LPUART1 was configured and connected to PG7/8, since...

usart2.png putty-settings.png putty.png
stmax by Associate II
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