I use alternatives CAN pins PA11&PA12, based on spec standard CAN pins to use CAN bootloader are PB8-9. Is it possible to use PA11-12 to enter CAN bootloader or NOT? so far it does not work.
Dear ST Support,Anything changed since 2021 and canbus bootloader?I have few STM32L4 on bus and I got the same issue.Do you have any example of can bootloader which can supports more can device?
Dear John,I have tried to use SPI and converted I2C platform to SPI platform but I stopped on "WrMulti" function int8_t WrMulti(
VL53L7CX_Platform *p_platform,
uint16_t RegisterAdress,
uint8_t *p_values,
uint32_t size)
uint8_t status = HAL...