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Resolved! GPIO pins won't RESET low (always high)

I took the default STM32F101VFTx, enabled PB8 & PB9 as GPIO Output, and then tried to pull the pins low.  I am having an issue that caused me to create this isolated test.   Configurations, code, and scope on the pins below.  Repo for this test case ...

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HunterR by Associate II
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Resolved! 4 DACs, 4 audio rate sawtooth waves with SMT32G4

Hello,I am looking to develop with the STM32 microcontrollers for the first time and was hoping to get some help. I need to create a device capable of outputting 3 separate sawtooth waves that are individually controllable to synthesize audio based o...

STM32F303RE: PWMs utilizing Timers with Phase Shift

Hello,I am assisting with the firmware development of a dual-active bridge converter and I am trying to create a phase-shifted PWM signal that will control the switches. Creating the phase shift is proving challenging, but I had an idea that I believ...

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KMew by Senior III
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How do I synchronize received UART data ?

I am trying to receive a frame containing 10 bytes of serial data, each frame is transmitted at a 100ms rate.However, as the UART can start receiving the 10 byte frame at any point in time, the received data is becoming out of sync. How do I sync the...

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johngj by Senior
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Resolved! using several ADC

Hello,I wonder if it is or it is not possible to use more than one ADC independet of each other. My problem is as follows: I want to use ADC1 and ADC2  in independent scan conversion nothing works anymore. My code work for ADC1 alone   or ADC2 alone,...

kkhli.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Flash via I2C bootloader problem for STM32G0B1KBU6

Hello,We encountered a problem with the internal Bootloader of the STM32G0B1KBU6 MCU.ConditionsFirst, the option bytes are set with an STLINK-V3 programming adapter (SWD interface) and CubeProgrammer (2.15.0) according to Pattern 11 of AN2606:nBoot_S...

IE by Associate II
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Resolved! USB available on STM32G0B0KET6 ?

DS13565 Rev 2 says under 3.20: "The embedded USB controller cannot be used on STM32G0B0KE as this device does not provide an HSE oscillator input.". Well, sounds reasonable. But same DS says in Table 11 for Pin 2 (LQFP32) PC14: "OSC32_IN, OSC_IN" whe...

Resolved! How to configure ADC_DMA in ethernet using NUCLEO-H745

Hello Team,I have implemented ADC_DMA (circular mode) Multiple channels in NUCLEO_H745 and in that added ethernet without RTOS when ethernet is implement ADC_DMA is not working it provide only one time data but i have configured for circular mode eve...

ggowd.1 by Associate III
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