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Forum Posts

SDIO can't read more than 511 blocks

Posted on June 26, 2012 at 22:41I'm using the standard STM libaries. I'm using SDIO with DMA. It works perfectly when reading up to 511 blocks but as soon as I try and read 512 blocks it stops working. It would successfully transfer 511 blocks then ...

UART4 interrupts during emulation break

Posted on June 27, 2012 at 11:19Hi, I am using the Keil ARM MDK development tool with an STM32F103ZG microcontroller and ULINK Pro JTAG. I have some UART code that I would like to test which requires the generation of UART transmit and receive inter...

dsjnews by Associate III
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Posted on June 27, 2012 at 14:51Whats the difference about NVIC_SetPriority(TIMER0_IRQn, ((0x01<<3)|0x01)); and NVIC_SetPriority(TIMER0_IRQn, 9);   Is There a special motive to use the first form?????? THANKS #notation

USB, DMA, CDC and Speed ... Is it possible?

Posted on June 25, 2012 at 23:05Hi all, I have a fair bit of experience with the STM32 now and have got most peripherals working as I want on multiple projects but I am yet to master the USB. I would like to transfer data collected by a series of ...

gareth2 by Associate II
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Olimex STM32-P407 USART3

Posted on June 23, 2012 at 13:55Hello,After dealing with my code for two days I have no other option than ask you guys. I have problems with my USART3/6 serial port on my Olimex STM32-P407 board: Initia...

StdPeriph_Driver I2C

Posted on November 30, 2011 at 12:01Hello all, I want to use the StdPeriph_Driver as a guide for my own project. Part: STM32F100RB value line discovery (test kit). Trying to get the I2C to work. I want to use the I2C files (.c+.h) for my own projec...

STM32F4, Weird behavior with TIM6 to blink an LED

Posted on June 25, 2012 at 06:08I'm trying to learn how to use the basic timers, without the benefit of a library, so I have been reading the RM0090 reference manual. As a simple test I want to toggle the blue LED on the dev board (pin D15) once per...

upgrdman by Associate II
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