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Forum Posts

STM32F207IF use of CAN2

Posted on July 02, 2013 at 18:51 Hi. I am using the KEIL exemple RL-CAN software for MCBSTM32F200 with and board that use stm32f207IF. The problem is that I can't change the pins of CAN2 sucessfully. The CAN works to send a messange but rece...

felipe by Associate II
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STM32 Core during Sector Erase or Flash Programming

Posted on July 15, 2013 at 05:29Hi, Did I get it right that during Sector Erase (that can take up to 2s on 128K Secotor) CPU Core does not fetch instructions from Flash memory? In other words Bootloader running from Flash will be halted during this ...

dimax by Senior
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STM32F4xx IAP - passing arguments

Posted on July 12, 2013 at 00:17Hi, I'd like to have algorithm executing application (from 0x8004000) operating on data buffered in my modified IAP firmware (2 x (uint16_t [128]) located after IAP code, before 0x8004000). But after compiling my IAP ...

identify the PORT generating an EXTI

Posted on July 14, 2013 at 15:10dear all,   I hope this finds you well. I am relatively new to such technology and I am working on some drivers. The board I am using has 4 LEDs, a joystick and a couple of buttons (WAKEUP and USER). I have implemente...

F4 Flash Write - random or sequential?

Posted on July 11, 2013 at 15:19 Hello, is F4 Flash write can be random or only sequential? I've tryed to do FLASH_Unlock(); FLASH_EraseSector(FLASH_Sector_8, VoltageRange_3); for(i=0, EEAddr=EEA;i<32;i++){ FLASH_ProgramWo...

printf with 2's compliment

Posted on July 13, 2013 at 08:46I ported the printf functions to UART3. I am reading some gyro data from a digital chip that gives it's results in 2's compliment. So I get the raw data and print the integer that I stored it in. But the printf functi...