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Posted on December 21, 2015 at 12:51I tried to generate code for STM32F407VG using cubemx[4.12] with following settings for STM32F4-Discovery.    - RCC -  High Speed Clock(HSE) –Crystal/Ceramic Resonator,       - USB_OTG_FS – Mode [Host Only ] &  A...
Posted on January 08, 2014 at 16:43Hi All,I am using STM32F4Discovery board to log data from six analog channels at 50 KHz on micro SD card. Thanks to this forum for the help through various posts, particularly from Clive1. ADC operates in triple AD...
Posted on June 04, 2013 at 13:52Hi All,Is it possible to use STM32f4Discovery without powering it’s ST Link section and associated LEDs.  External 5V (at P2 pin 3,4)  will power up ST Link section and associated LEDs.  Is it safe to remove JP1 and a...
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