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Help with SDIO

Posted on March 04, 2013 at 18:09Hi guys. First of all, sorry if my english is bad. I have a problem configuring a uSD and SDIO port. I'm using the ST SDIO example for STM32f4 discovery board and I cant comunicate with de micro SD. I checked the pin...

STM3240G-EVAL Help me please!

Posted on October 06, 2012 at 11:50Hi, I just bought an evaluation board STM3240G-EVALI tried to modify the example provided by ST called ''ADC3_DMA'' but I could not change the pin from what I acquire the signal For example I wanted to go from pin ...

fullcaos by Associate II
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STM32F217 USB HS question!?

Posted on September 14, 2013 at 10:53I use STM32F217 USB-HS Demo to STM3221G-EVA board(STM32F217IG 176pin) and it works well, now I have a project to implement preceding function but I only have STM32F217VG(100 pin) without PH4(ULPI_NXT) and PI11(UL...

DCMI interface + camera module

Posted on September 12, 2013 at 20:27Hi,I am trying to interface the OV5642 camera module with the STM32F4 microcontroller. So I wanted to ask about the XCLK signal in the camera, should it stay NC, or should I connect it to a clock (10Mhz to 24Mhz ...

STM32F100 ADC - read channels in scan mode

Posted on September 13, 2013 at 21:03 I can get the value from one channel of ADC but now if I use the scan mode how can I get each value? thanks :) #include <stm32f10x.h> #include <stm32f10x_gpio.h> #include <stm32f10x_rcc.h> #inc...

ee06091 by Associate III
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STM32F1 ADC - Only works the first 2/3 times

Posted on September 12, 2013 at 19:27 Hi, I'm trying the ADC on STM32VLDiscovery. #include <stm32f10x.h> #include <stm32f10x_gpio.h> #include <stm32f10x_rcc.h> #include <stm32f10x_tim.h> #include <stm32f10x_adc.h> #include <misc.h...

ee06091 by Associate III
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STM32F4 Power scale modes

Posted on September 13, 2013 at 10:40Hi Folks I been looking for information on the power scale modes of the STM32F4 and I've not been able to find any information on them - is there a good doc out there that explans them?? Thanks CS #pwr #stm32f...

bl by Associate II
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Help needed to layout stack and heap on a STM32 F0

Posted on September 13, 2013 at 11:39Hi, I'm doing my first project with the STM32F051x8. Yesterday may code was not running in cause of heap problems. I played around with the 'startup_stm32f0xx.s' file, set different sizes for Stack_Size, HeapSize...