2013-09-06 12:23 PM
Since the STM32F407 has 2 USB ports, OTG_FS and OTG_HS, can both ports run at the same time? I want OTG_FS to operate as a host and OTG_HS to operate as a device at the same time.
All of the sample code from ST operates with either the FS core or the HS core, but not both at the same time.2013-09-07 03:25 AM
We are also going to this and to my understanding there should not be a problem as FS and HS cores have a separated register sets and separate PHY's2013-09-07 03:31 AM
I suspect it should be fine, I have seen boards with both, but it presupposes a level of USB and code implementation experience/expertise beyond the scope of the simple examples.