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Forum Posts

STM32 F4 Discovery adc / dma setup for 4 channels

Posted on October 17, 2013 at 18:24Hi, based on the example in the peripheral lib i tried to expand the code to read 4 different pins. Googling around i managed to get values, but the problem is: the first (adc channel 11) is working fine, but the s...

migrating STM32L152VB to STM32L152VC/STM32L152VD

Posted on August 30, 2013 at 14:35Hello,I'd like to change the current STM32L152VB (LQFP100) to the bigger xC or xD. Are there any differences in terms of pinout and/or software? Is there any migrating application note?Thanks and best regards

bruzzim by Associate II
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bsdl for SMT32L151XX

Posted on October 16, 2013 at 05:01I can not find BSDL file of Med-density Ultra-low for STM32L151xx and STM32L152xx microcontrollers as described in readme.txt. #smt32l151 #ask-smarter-questions

STM32F407 external frequency counting

Posted on October 16, 2013 at 11:17Hello folks, i have to try write a C-Code for counting an external frequency in a Range of 250ms. I tried to use the encoder mode, but i think it is impossible only with one signal. In my project i have only one fr...

STM32F3Discovery clock and sleeping issues

Posted on October 16, 2013 at 10:11 Hello everyone! Now I'm playing with STM32F3Discovery which has STM32F303 on the board. The goal for this MCU is typical: do some gpio stuff -> sleep for a while (STOP mode) -> wake up -> gpio. There i...

STM32L152RB Timer Interrupts

Posted on October 16, 2013 at 23:08 I've been trying to solve this issue for way too long now. I've looked at other similar posts, but I am still unable to enter my ISR when the timer rolls over. void init_interface(void) { GPIO_InitT...

kevin by Associate II
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Problems using FPU and GCC on STM32F3

Posted on October 16, 2013 at 20:18 Hello, I'm currently working on a motor application where i need to perform some simple math but at a high rate (20khz). Unfortunately, for some reason the computation time is too long, and it is unable...


Posted on October 16, 2013 at 11:55Has anybody here gotten the STM32F205 ULPI HS USB to work with SMSC USB3317?. or for that matter any of the SMSC USB transceivers? Thanks,

ramv by Associate II
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stm32f107vc - external interrupt problem

Posted on October 16, 2013 at 00:21hello forum . I am trying to use external interrupt but I can't do it and I can't understand what is wrong. here is my code :#include ''stm32f10x.h''#include ''stm32_eval.h''#include <stdio.h>GPIO_InitTypeDef gpio_...