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ADC in dual mode with sampling frequency of 10.66 MS/s (5.33 per ADC).The System clock is set to 120 MHzThe ADC clock is set to 80MHzThe ADC1 IN8 ext3 is trigged by TIM2 CC2.The ADC data transfet is done though DMA2 CH3
I use Atollic TrueSTUDIO v9.0.1 for a STM32L496RG project.I use the LL_RCC_DeInit() function and have an issue when activation of Optimisation option -Ofast or -O3 .To fix the issue I had to add the key word volatile (see code below).ErrorStatus LL...
Posted on September 14, 2015 at 18:12I have an EXTI programmed on PortB line8 that works as expected when  a rising edge is found on GPIO_IN8.Unfortunaltely sometimes, when I reset the GPIO_Pin15 of port B by doing  GPIOB->BRR  = GPIO_Pin_15  then t...
Posted on July 22, 2015 at 18:20 I need to disable the VVDA monitor at power down reset (PDR). To do this, it needs to write in the option bytes register. I did the following code. //Disable VDDA MONITOR in option bit uin...