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Hi, While working on Nucleo Board for STM32L433RCTxx, I have configured 9 ADC channels for taking voltage inputs of 1.6 to 3.0V from individual cells of the battery. I am able to get the readings but they are not consistent, a few channels are missed...
When I configure ADC1 to read voltage input from PA0 and PA1 using DMA, then the behavior is as below in each condition1) PA0 = 0 (GND) ; PA1 = variable pot (0-5V)then PA1 provides values as per input from pot but max value displayed in 3022 instead ...
I am using STM32G031 where in my application I have to capture the frequency of Input signal from a sensor and then generate an output PWM with frequency which is twice of input frequency. I am using TIM3 to capture the input signal from sensor and c...