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Forum Posts

STM32 Discovery, RC Receiver, PWM Input

Posted on February 11, 2014 at 08:10 Hi Clive, Thank you so much for the code. I added parts of it to the PWM input code and it works great! I am however only able to get a reading from one channel at the moment. I was hoping to use all 4...

EmCraft supports the smt32f429i-disco with networking

Posted on February 11, 2014 at 04:34Just a few days ago i noticed that EmCraft released supports for the smt32f429i-disco with networking (with board modifications needed and and external PHY) I have just tested this code on my board Note: it requi...

magore by Associate II
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MCBSTM32F200 MicroController NRST signal

Posted on February 11, 2014 at 01:33I have started using the MCBSTM32F200 eval board but I cant figure out how to control the NSRT signal. It says J1 next to it on the schematic but I don't know that means. #nsrt #stm32

r_zijoo by Associate II
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Can't transmit over SPI with DMA

Posted on March 21, 2013 at 19:21 I am using an STM32F4, and I'm having difficulty getting SPI to transmit using DMA. If I manually write to the SPI data register, I see the appropriate activity on the logic analyzer, but if I use DMA to initiat...

order by Associate
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STM32F405 - measure two frequencies >= 10MHz

Posted on January 27, 2014 at 11:46Hey at all, First of all I want to say that my english isn't the best. I have got a new project to do it on a STM32F405 controller. I must measure two frequencies: 1. f1 = 13 to 16MHz 2. f2 = 10 to 13MHz my plan to...


Posted on February 10, 2014 at 16:27hi, i have 3 EVALST7590T-2, I would like to know if the boards are set as the default service node or as a base node and how to do and where to get the files to set them as a base node or service node. Thank you ...

STM32F Standby PowerManagement

Posted on February 09, 2014 at 16:40Hi, in my project a 2.8V voltage regulator is connected to the VDD pins of the STM32Fxx device. VBat is directly connected to a 3V battery. After reset the mcu processes some tasks and after that the controller f...