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stm32f405, hardfault help

Posted on March 18, 2014 at 19:38Dear all, i am still in a beginner phase with stm32, and trying to output a square wave from a GPIO PORTA pin. But program loops in hardfault: > step target state: halted target halted due to single-step, current mod...

Angelo1 by Associate II
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U-boot on STM32F4-DISCO

Posted on March 17, 2014 at 20:36Hello everyone,I am trying to make U-boot work on my STM32F4-discovery board, and I downloaded the Emcraft version which supports the STM32F429-Disco board. I have made the required modifications (I hope) but I am fa...

amine by Associate II
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Posted on March 18, 2014 at 18:39I'm trying to configure the I2S pll for what will ultimately be 8KHz sampling and using the STM32F4xx_ClockCOnfiguration_V1.1.0, I get values of PLLI2S_N = 256PLLI2S_R = 5for a crystal of 8MHz and HCLK at 168MHz...Ev...

STM32 + lwIP and multicast support

Posted on January 03, 2012 at 17:08Hi All, I starting to use the STM32 with lwIP stack and I will need to use the multicast. Is there any example or demo for this ??? Thank you in advance. With Best Regards   #stm32-+-lwip-+-multicast

STM32f030 flasing using ST-Link STM32vlDiscovery

Posted on March 18, 2014 at 13:32Problem: ST-Link utility can't connect the target MC.First of all I connected all the wires as necessarySWCLK-PA14, SWDIO-PA13, GNDand checked the quality of connections. Everything is program just configures P...

connecting camera 0v7670 with FIFO with stm32f4

Posted on March 18, 2014 at 15:48HiI'm trying to read data from camera ov7670  with FIFO (AL422) with a stm32f4 micro controller. can I do this without using DCMI interface?if yes how can I do this? and is it necessary to use DMA?thanks #connecti...

sahar by Associate
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STM32F4 ADC With DMA Multi Channel Problem

Posted on March 17, 2014 at 15:01Hi, since some days I'm trying to create a code to operate the ADC with DMA for STM32F4 card, the problem is that my code does not work if I want to add a second chanel because it always displays the same values for ...

haythem by Associate II
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STM32F10x interrupt issues

Posted on March 14, 2014 at 16:13 I'm using an STMF103RCT MCU in IAR 6.5 for ARM. I'm working from a public institution with a questionable software sourcing policy - don't ask me to install Eclipse/OpenOCD/Zadig - I've spent 3 weeks installing ...

ivan23 by Associate II
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