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STM Flash Loder Demonstrator 2.6.0 & Win8 Bug

Posted on March 14, 2014 at 10:24Hi,there seems to be a bug with the flash loader GUI and win.8 / 8.1 and some MCU's bootloader.i have a STM32F050 here and when i try to connect to the bootloader with the flash loder tool it goes to the ''remove pro...

felix by Associate II
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stm32f405 not running

Posted on March 14, 2014 at 00:33Dear all, i am trying some initial code on a stm32f405 that i could finally program. First thing i was wandering is if i can run (for test) straight with the internal HSI 16Mhz. Init code is from std stm32 library. ...

Angelo1 by Associate II
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STM32F4 bxCAN FiFo Release Issues

Posted on March 13, 2014 at 21:34Can anyone tell me if the following is normal functionality of the RFR register: Processor clock 168 MHz APB1 bus 42 MHz After reading the Receive FiFo and releasing by setting RFOM1 bit to 1 in the RF1R register, we...

STM32F0308-DISCOVERY RTC (32khz Osc)

Posted on March 13, 2014 at 16:59I am attempting to utilize the RTC on STM32F0308-Discovery board. I imported this code from the SMT32f standard peripheral library. However, while attempting to debug, the code hangs on command  /* Wait till LSE is r...

vendor by Associate II
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stm32f405 minimal wiring

Posted on March 11, 2014 at 15:19Dear, i was trying to program stm32f405 through openpcd and a dcl5 parallel cable / interface that worked fine for other cortex cpu's. Until now i can't program successfully the device, so i am wandering what are the...

Angelo1 by Associate II
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STM32F207 SPI communication is not working

Posted on March 13, 2014 at 16:28Hi, I am trying to send data via SPI to a Sensor and receive data from the Sensor. Therefore I tried to establish SPI communication, but it does not work. There is no clock Signal on the CLK pin(PA5). I attached a p...

STM32F4Discovery MEMS example won't output values

Posted on January 28, 2014 at 21:37I'm running the MEMs example fromSTM32F4-Discovery_FW_V1.1.0\Project\Peripheral_Examples\MEMSusing uVision / MDK-ARM and I'm not getting any changing values when the read function is being called on the SysTick int...

jim by Associate II
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