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Forum Posts

I2C or I3C for broadcast communication - STM32H503RBT6

Hello!In my project, I have one "Mother board" and other four "Child boards".Both boards are using STM32H503RBT6 microcontrollers.There needs to be a communication between the Mother (master/controller) and the Child (slave/target). Child to Child wo...

mpires by Associate II
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Resolved! STLink emulator with Stop mode condition

Hi everyone,I have a problem, let's see if someone can help me...I have a board that works with an STM32L053xxxx, my application, at a certain point, enters stop mode. Here comes the problem, the emulator disconnects.Is there any technique or emulato...

davide_mp by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F4 build error on local copy

Hi, I copied example “en.stm32cubef4-v1-28-0\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.28.0\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Examples\FMC\FMC_SRAM” in a separate local folder.Copied files in included paths as shown below: 1 error remaining “Description    Resource             Path ...

GauravK by Senior
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Cannot read correct data from STM32 internal FLASH

Hi,I am using STM32u585 MCU.It has 2 FLASH banks of 1MB each one.In initially I read correct data (64 bytes) from page 0 of FLASH bank 2, at address 0x0810.0000After that I erase the FLASH page.In CubeIDE Memory Browser window I can see that the page...

STM32H747I-DISCO tearing in double buffering

Hello all,I have been trying to get the discovery board working in video mode with double buffering example working but have had no luck. I tried three different projects, the really old one from some release from two years ago, the 1.11.0 release, a...

AWang8_0-1709746427400.png AWang8_1-1709747336020.png
AWang.8 by Associate
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HAL_FLASHEx_Erase() fails sometime on STM32L4R9ZI

HiI am using STM32L4R9ZI for my product and I am facing an issue in updating Flash. I am using flash_l4.c as provided by CubeIDE Project along with the STWIN Kit. I have attached the flash_l4.c for reference. I am using the FLASH_update() function to...

ZHaid.1 by Associate II
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Hi,now I'm implementing i2c with 1 master(U575ZI-Q) and 3 slave(L432KC) boards. master transmit dataBuf to slave HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_IT(&hi2c1, addr<<1, dataBuf, sizeof(dataBuf)); and Slave receive it.HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_IT(&hi2c1, dataBuf, siz...

eunni by Associate III
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